Cosmo Energy Group's Vision for the Future Vision 2030 To create energy that shapes the future, energy that sustains society, and new forms of value.
Cosmo Energy Group's Vision for the Future Vision 2030 To create energy that shapes the future, energy that sustains society, and new forms of value.

Vision 2030 is our medium- to long-term vision that connects the Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision with our three-year medium-term management plan.

We have formulated a three-pillar vision comprising the initiatives that we will undertake to supply energy that will drive society regardless of the times, looking ahead to a future decarbonized society while also considering the adverse effects of rapid energy transition.  

At the same time, we aim to realize Vision 2030 by transforming our management foundation through the three transformations set forth in the Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan: Human Resource Transformation (HRX), Digital Transformation (DX), and Green Transformation (GX).

Initiative 1

Bolster the green electricity supply chain

As we look ahead toward 2030, we will strengthen the green electricity supply chain by seamlessly connecting green electricity generation (upstream) through sales (downstream). In addition to continuing to push ahead with our decarbonization efforts, we will fulfill our responsibilities as an energy supplier to maximize business profit.

We will strengthen and connect each of the Cosmo Energy Group’s existing assets and businesses such as wind power generation, green electricity sales, commercial electric vehicle (EV) sales, and the provision of green electricity solution services. Furthermore, by building power storage and supply-demand adjustment functions, we aim to maximize the value of green electricity and achieve ordinary profit of ¥8.0 billion in FY2025 and ¥40.0 billion in FY2030, respectively.

Initiative 2

Expand next-generation energy

We will work to promote next-generation energy that supports a decarbonized society. Beginning with mass production of Japan's first locally-made Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in 2025, we will select and develop next-generation energy such as hydrogen and biodiesel, considering feasibility and commercial viability.

In terms of domestically produced SAF supply, we will start with 30,000 kiloliters per year of SAF produced at the Sakai Refinery from used cooking oil in 2025, aiming for annual supply of 300,000 kiloliters in 2030 through the use of Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology and other measures. In addition, we seek to achieve ordinary profit of ¥10.0 billion in 2030 by entering the hydrogen supply chain and undertaking other efforts, including establishing hydrogen stations for fuel cell vehicle (FCV) trucks, the first of which is scheduled to open in FY2024.

Capital and business alliance with Iwatani Corporation

In March 2022, Cosmo Energy concluded a basic agreement with Iwatani Corporation concerning possible collaboration in the hydrogen business, and began considering ways to work together in three areas: hydrogen stations, the engineering field, and supply chain construction. In April 2024, we announced a capital and business alliance, and will establish an alliance promotion committee to strengthen and accelerate our collaboration efforts.

Photo of the construction site of Japan's first large-scale production demonstration facility for locally-made SAF (Sakai Refinery, Osaka)

The facility will produce approximately 30,000 kiloliters of 100% locally-made SAF per year using used cooking oil as feedstock. It is expected to be completed and operational by the end of FY2024, with plans to start supplying SAF in 2025, when Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan is scheduled to be held.

Initiative 3

Strengthen competitiveness of our Oil Business and pursue low carbonization

To fulfill our responsibility to provide a safe and stable supply of energy that supports society today, we will strengthen our competitiveness in our Oil Business and at the same time steadily undertake efforts to realize low-carbon operations.

In each of our Petroleum Refining and Sales, Oil Exploration and Production, and Petrochemical businesses, we aim to achieve ordinary profit of ¥150.0 billion in 2030 by implementing initiatives such shifting to higher efficiency refineries, while ensuring safety and promoting DX. Simultaneously, we will push ahead with efforts that will help us achieve low-carbon operations, including the development and practical application of technologies to capture and utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted as a result of our business activities.


Strengthen competitiveness of our Oil Business and pursue low carbonization – Latest information

Management foundation transformation

We will undertake initiatives in the areas of human resources, information, and the environment, which form our management foundation, to realize our three-pillared vision. In the Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan, we define these efforts as HRX, DX, and GX. 

In terms of HRX, we have established the employee (our driving force) engagement index as one of our KPIs (our target for FY2025 is set at 60 points) and will implement various strategies that "motivate employees and harness their skills."

In the area of DX, we will work to develop “core digital personnel” (900 in FY2025) who can leverage data and foster a corporate culture where employees take ownership in the Group’s DX efforts in order to transform our business model to one that responds to changes in the business environment. 

Regarding GX, Cosmo announced its 2050 Carbon Net Zero Declaration in May 2021. To achieve this end, we will work to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with our associated roadmap.


Pursue a people strategy that motivates employees and harnesses their skills

In an effort to cultivate human resources who can help us realize Vision 2030, we are pursuing a “people strategy that motivates employees and harnesses their skills” and enhances the capabilities of human resources who can drive our businesses. We will do this by strengthening our human resource capability foundation of “health” and “engagement” and improving wellbeing, as well as enacting a transformation based on current challenges.

In the Seventh Medium-Term Consolidated Management Plan, we have outlined our to-be state in the areas of “human resource cultivation and development,” “organizational culture,” and “health,” and are implementing concrete initiatives to achieve our goals based on defined KPIs. 


Business model transformation
Transform our business model through digital capabilities and change management

In the area of DX, we will work to develop “core digital personnel” (900 in by FY2025) who can leverage data and foster a corporate culture where employees take ownership in the Group’s DX efforts in order to transform our business model to one that responds to changes in the business environment. As an energy supplier, we will create new business value as a community enabler by leveraging existing and new data, while working to strengthen the competitiveness of our current businesses through the use of digital tools and platforms, including digitizing refineries and optimizing the oil supply chain.


Realize roadmap to achieve net zero carbon emissions

In announcing the Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan, the Cosmo Energy Group expanded the scope of its Carbon Net Zero Declaration to the entire supply chain, including Scope 3 emissions. As across-the-board transformation of management will be crucial to realizing our goal, and we have positioned GX as one of our strategic focuses, aiming to reduce GHG emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by 30% in 2030 compared to the 2013-level. We will also strive to achieve net zero carbon emissions, including Scope 3, by 2050 through efforts centered on both direct reduction and reduction contribution.

About Vision 2030

The energy industry is currently undergoing a major transformation.

Amidst such change and having inherited tangible and intangible assets built by our predecessors, the Cosmo Energy Group is working to create new growth drivers that are not merely an extension of the past as we look ahead to a new era. To realize our Group Management Vision of "harmony and symbiosis," as well as "sustainable growth, we announced our Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan and Vision 2030, which lays out the future vision we have for the Group, in the spring of 2023.

We will do our utmost to prove ourselves worthy of our stakeholders’ trust. I hope you will join us in looking forward to the future growth of the Cosmo Energy Group.


Representative Director, Group CEO

Shigeru Yamada

About Vision 2030

The energy industry is currently undergoing a major transformation.

Amidst such change and having inherited tangible and intangible assets built by our predecessors, the Cosmo Energy Group is working to create new growth drivers that are not merely an extension of the past as we look ahead to a new era. To realize our Group Management Vision of "harmony and symbiosis," as well as "sustainable growth, we announced our Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan and Vision 2030, which lays out the future vision we have for the Group, in the spring of 2023.

We will do our utmost to prove ourselves worthy of our stakeholders’ trust. I hope you will join us in looking forward to the future growth of the Cosmo Energy Group.


Representative Director, Group CEO

Shigeru Yamada

Learn more about the Cosmo Energy Group’s initiatives