ESG Data


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

  • GHG emissions (Scopes 1, 2, and 3)
  • Scope 1&2 emissions intensity
  • CO2 Contribution to reduction

Energy consumption

  • Energy usage
  • Energy usage in manufacturing operations, and energy consumption intensity
  • Energy consumption intensity in transport operations (petroleum business)
  • Office energy consumption

Environmentally hazardous substances

  • Air pollution load
  • Chemical substances released and transferred (PRTR designated substances)
  • Number of environmental accidents

Water resource use and discharge

  • Water intake, discharge and usage
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Water pollution loads

Resource recycling (waste)

  • Raw material input
  • Waste generation and recycling rate
  • Industrial waste from plastic product use


Employees (basic information)

  • Number of employees
  • Number of individuals hired
  • Progress in promoting the advancement of women in the workforce
  • Percentage of employees who are mid-career hires
  • Employment of people with disabilities
  • Retiree rehiring rates
  • Employee turnover
  • Gender wage gap

Work-life balance, occupational health, and human resource development

  • Usage of programs to promote work-life balance
  • Working hours
  • Number of labor union members and percentage of workforce
  • Employee health data
  • Number of inquiries to the Group's online health and counseling service
  • Human resource development
  • Engagement score

Occupational accidents

  • Occupational accident data


  • Compliance violations
  • Employee compliance awareness and improvement activities
  • Fines and penalties related to corruption


Corporate Governance (CG)

  • Data relating to the Board of Directors

Independent Assurance Report

We have continuously been obtaining third-party verification on our Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2, some data of Scope 3) and energy consumption data, etc.