Environmental Measures and Conservation Outside Japan

With a strong sense of mission to ensure stable product supply, the Cosmo Energy Group undertakes oil exploration as an important part of its business. Moreover, by earnestly engaging in environmental measures and conservation activities even at oil extraction sites, we aim to communicate our environmental commitment worldwide and help realize a sustainable society.

Oil Development That Considers the Surrounding Environment

Oil exploration involves risks that affect the environment at each stage of exploration, development, and production. We consider environmental conservation activities to be an important issue and are promoting initiatives to reduce our impact on the environment as much as possible.
Our group company Abu Dhabi Oil secured rights for the Hail Oil Field in 2012 and has been producing oil there since November 2017. The sea around the Hail Oil Field is well known as a dugong habitat. As the field is now located in a UNESCO biosphere reserve, development is being carried out with greater consideration to the environment than ever before.
Before any new oil well development, a detailed environmental impact assessment is conducted and government approval is obtained. During development, a system is set up to inject wastewater generated during oil field drilling, along with residual soil and domestic wastewater, back into the ground. This results in a zero-discharge operation.
Additionally, silt curtains are installed to prevent any earth, sand, and muddy water generated during dredging and construction of artificial islands from drifting into the open ocean. In addition, we conduct environmental monitoring of air and water quality, as well as aquatic and bird life to ensure that our operations are not having a negative impact on nearby ecosystems.

Silt curtains deployed
Silt curtains deployed

Zero Flaring

In 2001, Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production became the first company in the Middle East to achieve zero flaring by recovering gas generated in tandem with oil production and injecting it back into underground oil reservoirs.

This system also helps prevent air pollution and reduce CO2 emissions. Currently, we have realized zero flaring at five locations in two countries: Abu Dhabi in the UAE (Mubarraz Island, West Mubarraz AR Site Terminal, Central Facilities Platform [CFP], and Hail Oil Field), as well as in Qatar (CFP). By also injecting CO2 underground for storage and utilization, this technology is highly compatible with carbon capture, (utilization) and storage (CCS/CCUS) initiatives, and promotes both environmental conservation and improved oil recovery rates.

We are leveraging our operational experience and technologies to develop and implement decarbonization technology in order to achieve net zero carbon by 2050.

Ending flaring at Mubarraz Island

Before installation of zero flaring technology

Before installation of zero flaring technology

After installation of zero flaring technology

After installation of zero flaring technology


For more information on our environmental measures and conservation outside Japan, please visit the website of Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd.


Website of Abu Dhabi Oil Co., Ltd.