Stakeholder Engagement

Cosmo Energy Group Stakeholders

The Cosmo Energy Group operates a range of businesses that help ensure a stable supply of oil and energy, and is supported by a wide range of stakeholders. Those that are especially important to the Group include customers, local communities, shareholders and investors, business partners, employees, oil-producing nations, and the international community.


We listen to the voice of the customer and strive to provide value-added services by making efforts such as improving service levels and ensuring safety.

Local Communities

As a member of various local communities, we participate in grassroots activities such as neighborhood cleanups and local events.

Shareholders and Investors

We issue the shareholder newsletter C's MAIL, notices of general shareholders meetings, the Cosmo Report, and other materials in order disclose corporate information in a timely manner.


We respect the perspectives of our suppliers, engage in fair business practices, strive for mutual prosperity, and encourage partners to adopt the Group’s Code of Conduct.


Respect for human rights forms the foundation of our corporate activities. We strive to create welcoming and supportive workplaces that provide employees with opportunities for self-fulfillment.

Oil-Producing Nations

In addition to buying and selling crude oil, we utilize our human resources and technological expertise to provide oil-producing nations with technologies for environmental conservation and safety management, along with Japanese-language training.

International Community

With a desire to contribute to the sustainable growth of the entire international community, we engage in various international cooperation activities, such as those focused on fighting global warming.

Stakeholder Engagement

As a responsible corporate citizen, the Group aims to operate businesses that are useful to society. We actively engage in dialogue with stakeholders to gauge their opinions, as part of our efforts to meet their expectations.

At least once a year, the president of Cosmo Energy Holdings holds a dialogue session with an external expert, and the expertise obtained via this dialogue is used to improve the Group’s sustainability management. It is also used to enhance the Group’s business activities and shape initiatives to further enhance the quality of our efforts.

Dialogue with an Expert

An ESG specialist on energy issues and climate change was invited to have a conversation with the Group CEO. They exchanged views on global trends related to sustainability management which affect Cosmo Energy Holdings.


Fiscal 2023: Miho Kurosaki, Vice President, Energy Impact Partners

Dialogue topic: Sustainability in an energy company working to meet the challenge of realizing net zero carbon emissions


Fiscal 2022: Eiichiro Adachi, Senior Counselor, Japan Research Institute, Ltd.

Dialogue topic: Taking initiatives for achieving decarbonization in earnest