
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3)(43 companies in the Cosmo Energy Group)*1

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Scope 1 emissions CO2 1,000 tCO2e 7,671 7,262 6,867
GHG emissions excluding CO2*2 1,000 tCO2e 19 23 19
Total 1,000 tCO2e 7,690 7,285 6,886
Scope 2 emissions*3 Purchased electricity 1,000 tCO2e 173 191 169  
Purchased steam 1,000 tCO2e 62 52 57  
Total 1,000 tCO2e 235 243 226
Scope 1&2 emissions total 1,000 tCO2e 7,925 7,528 7,112
Scope3emissions*4 Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
category 1 Purchased goods and services 1,000 tCO2e   10,306 13,525
category 2 Capital goods 1,000 tCO2e   268 226
category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities 1,000 tCO2e   476 623
category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 1,000 tCO2e   240 221
category 5 Waste generated in operations 1,000 tCO2e   25 39
category 6 Business travel 1,000 tCO2e   1 1
category 7 Employee commuting 1,000 tCO2e   3 5
category 8 Upstream leased assets*5 1,000 tCO2e  
category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution 1,000 tCO2e   86 68
category 10 Processing of sold products*5 1,000 tCO2e  
category 11 Use of sold products 1,000 tCO2e 54,859 57,979 56,659
category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 1,000 tCO2e   3,803 4,670
category 13 Downstream leased assets 1,000 tCO2e   12 11
category 14 Franchises*5 1,000 tCO2e  
category 15 Investments*5 1,000 tCO2e  
合計 54,859 73,200 76,047


*1.  Scope of data coverage: Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd., Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Oil Marketing, Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production, Maruzen Petrochemical, as well as 43 subsidiaries and affiliated companies. In addition, the CO2 emission intensity used for calculation was reviewed in FY2023.

*2.  Reported values according to the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures

*3.  Calculated value of market-base

*4.  Review of calculation categories conducted, with retrospective calculation for all categories in FY2022 for previous years and for category 11 in FY2021.

*5. ー: Not applicable or excluded because applicable items cannot be confirmed.

Scope 1&2 emissions intensity

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
GHG emissions per unit of consolidated net sales tCO2e/million yen 3.2 2.7 2.6  
Consolidated net sales 1 million yen 2,440,452 2,791,872 2,729,570  
GHG emissions per unit of energy consumption tCO2e/1,000kL-crude oil 2.6 2.5 2.6  
Energy consumption(Crude oil equivalent) 1,000kL-cude oil 3,054 2,981 2,749  
Petroleum refining (refineries) GHG emission intensity tCO2e/1,000kL-crude oil 23.58 23.49 23.53
GHG emissions 1,000 tCO2e 4,138 4,153 3,780

Scope 3 (Category 11_Use of sold products) CO2 emissions intensity

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
CO2 emissions from the use of sold products per unit of consolidated net sales tCO2e/million yen 22.48 20.77 20.76  
CO2 emissions from the use of sold products  1,000tCO2 54,859 57,979 56,659  

CO2 Contribution to reduction

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Avoided CO2 emissions based on renewable electricity generation*6 1,000 tCO2e -269 -244 -276  
Avoided CO2 emissions by adding ETBE to gasoline*7 1,000 tCO2e -165 -193 -207  
Total -434 -437 -483  


*6. CO2 emissions avoiding by using renewable energy is calculated as negative CO2 emissions (total power generation for the fiscal year concerned multiplied by the emissions intensity of the displaced fossil fuel-based electricity for the fiscal year concerned).

*7. The avoided CO2 emissions resulting from adding ETBE to gasoline is calculated as negative CO2 emissions.

Energy consumption

Energy usage

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining business TJ 73,544 71,652 66,180  
Petrochemical business TJ 44,380 43,485 39,985  
Others (sales/office) TJ 432 421 392  
Group total TJ 118,356 115,558 106,557

Energy usage in manufacturing operations, and energy consumption intensity

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining business (including storage and research centers) Fuel 1,000 kl crude oil 1,791 1,720 1,626  
Electricity 1,000 kWh 313,962 413,203 299,224  
Steam GJ 524,564 523,494 556,963  
Petrochemical business (including research centers) Fuel 1,000 kl crude oil 1,113 1,060 1,009  
Electricity 1,000 kWh 58,006 72,584 63,923  
Steam GJ 350,307 362,611 332,590  
Sales Electricity 1,000 kWh 42,084 41,657 40,066  
Officesm*8 Electricity 1,000 kWh 2,134 4,895 5,524  
Total purchased electricity amount Electricity 1,000 kWh 416,186 532,239 408,737  
Renewable energy portion 1,000 kWh 7,570 38,968 38,632  
Energy consumption intensity (petroleum refining)*9 kl crude oil / 1,000 kl 9.21 9.17 9.03
Energy consumption (petroleum refining) 1,000 kl crude oil 1,616 1,621 1,451


*8. Review of the scope of coverage of Group companies, also calculated retrospectively for the previous year.

*9. Energy consumption intensity = Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) / Crude oil equivalent processing amount

Energy consumption intensity in transport operations (petroleum business)

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Coastal tankers kl / million ton kilometers 8.03 8.17 7.58
Tank trucks kl / million ton kilometers 35.38 35.60 36.44

Note: Energy consumption intensity = Energy consumption (crude oil equivalent) / Transport ton-km

Office energy consumption*10

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Cosmo Energy Holdings and 3 core operating companies*11 1,000 kWh 920 959 822  
group companies*12 1,000 kWh 1,214 3,936 4,702  
Cosmo Energy Group total 1,000 kWh 2,134 4,895 5,524  


*10. Cosmo Energy Group companies: 43 companies in total.

*11. 3 core operating companies: Cosmo Oil, Cosmo Oil Marketing, and Cosmo Energy Exploration & Production

*12. Review of the scope of coverage of Group companies, also calculated retrospectively for the previous year.

Environmentally hazardous substances

Air pollutant emissions

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining Sulfur oxides (SOx) t 3,583 3,196 3,165
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) t 2,520 2,300 2,336
Petrochemicals Sulfur oxides (SOx) t 604 597 582
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) t 889 774 790
Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions t 2,620 2,625 2,604  

Chemical substances released and transferred (PRTR designated substances)

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining Atmospheric emissions t 89 91 98  
Wastewater discharge t 4 3 2  
Soil contaminants t 0 0 0  
Total emissions released t 93 94 100
Total emissions transferred t 667 432 522
Total t 760 526 622  
Petrochemicals Atmospheric emissions t 274 253 302  
Wastewater discharge t 4 1 1  
Soil contaminants t 0 0 0  
Total emissions released t 278 255 303
Total emissions transferred t 18 19 36
Total t 296 274 339  

Number of environmental accidents

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Number of oil spills 0 0 0  
Environmental law violations, fines, and penalties None None None  

Note: In FY2023, no complaints were received through the formal environmental complaint handling channel (and no response measures were taken).

Water resource use and discharge

Water intake, discharge and usage

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining Industrial water 1,000 t 36,972  41,243  41,033 
Seawater 1,000 t 413,496  409,504  398,892 
Well water / groundwater 1,000 t 302  284  235 
Municipal water 1,000 t 806 165  179 
Total intake 1,000 t 451,575  451,196  440,339 
Total discharge 1,000 t 450,273  445,532  435,144 
Total usage 1,000 t 1,302  5,664  5,194   
Petrochemicals Industrial water 1,000 t 21,679  19,856  19,214 
Seawater 1,000 t 101,991  88,791  94,341 
Well water / groundwater 1,000 t 39  34  28 
Municipal water 1,000 t 15  20  18 
Total intake 1,000 t 123,723  108,702  113,601 
Total discharge 1,000 t 110,659  95,808  101,229 
Total usage 1,000 t 13,064  12,893  12,372   
Cosmo Energy Group Total Industrial water 1,000 t 59,003  61,434  60,482 
Seawater 1,000 t 515,487 498,295  493,233 
Well water / groundwater 1,000 t 423  477 358 
Municipal water 1,000 t 867  241  247 
Total intake 1,000 t 575,780  560,447  554,320 
Total discharge 1,000 t 561,257  541,691  536,603 
Total usage 1,000 t 14,523  18,755  17,717   

Wastewater treatment

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Wastewater treatment Petroleum refining 1,000 t 13,176  12,722  12,897   
Petrochemicals 1,000 t 5,664  4,968  4,649   
Other(product storage,research centers) 1,000 t 325  346  230   
Total 1,000 t 19,165 18,037  17,777   

Water pollution loads

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining  COD loads 104.5  89.6  90.8 
Nitrogen loads 63.7 44.6  47.5 
Phosphorus loads 1.2  0.9  0.9 
Petrochemicals  COD loads 80.3  61.5  63.0 
Nitrogen loads 35.7  36.3  30.0 
Phosphorus loads 1.8  1.4  1.5 

Resource recycling (waste)

Raw material input

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum: Crude oil processing 1,000 kl 20,098 20,596 18,568  
Petrochemicals: Total material input 1,000 t 4,357 4,040 3,617  

Waste generation and recycling rate

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Petroleum refining Industrial Waste generated t 65,853 59,068 78,067
Waste recycled t 24,367 17,837 28,738
Final disposal amount t 15 10 15
Final disposal rate 0.02 0.02 0.02  
Recycling rate 37.00 30.2 36.8  
Petrochemicals Industrial Waste generated t 94,642 89,197 76,666
Waste recycled t 25,297 15,264 9,164
Final disposal amount t 274 183 226
Final disposal rate 0.29 0.21 0.30  
Recycling rate 26.73 17.1 12.0  

Cosmo Energy Group Total

Industrial Waste generated t 161,780 149,580 155,301
Waste recycled t 50,790 34,259 41,816
Final disposal amount t 297 199 309
Final disposal rate 0.18 0.13 0.20  
Recycling rate 31.4 22.9 26.9  

Industrial waste from plastic product use

Industrial waste from plastic product use Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Third Party Verified
Waste (Cosmo Oil) t 362 258 444  
Waste (Maruzen Petrochemical) t 318 223 154