Sustainability at the Cosmo Energy Group

The Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision is, “In striving for harmony and symbiosis between our planet, man and society, we aim for sustainable growth towards a future of limitless possibilities.” It incorporates our commitment to and passion for the sustainable growth of our Group and society. “Harmony and Symbiosis” and “Creating Future Values,” as set out in the Management Vision, constitute our Basic Concept of Sustainability and show our determination to practice sustainability management.

Cosmo Energy Group Management Vision

Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct

The Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that we deliver on our commitment to sustainable growth. A set of guidelines and principles, it outlines the expected behavior and standards for employees and executives to adhere to in their daily work. The Code of Conduct forms the cornerstone of our sustainability efforts and serves as the foundation for employee values and activities.


Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct


To ensure adherence to the Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct, we have established various internal regulations and doing what it takes to ensure compliance, not only with applicable laws and regulations but also with common-sense corporate ethics. Group-wide, we carry out a variety of activities to gain the understanding and cooperation of employees and everyone else involved in our business activities.

Promoting Understanding of the Cosmo Energy Group Code of Conduct

Purpose Specific efforts
Awareness-raising activities
  • Providing explanations to sustainability staff of Group companies at Cosmo Energy Group Sustainability Liaison Committee meetings
  • Distributing Code of Conduct and Ethics Consultation Helpline cards, and Code of Conduct booklets (to all Group employees)
  • Providing Code of Conduct information on the Group website
  • Providing Code of Conduct information on the Group intranet
  • Providing an English translation of the Code of Conduct online (for employees of Cosmo Oil USA, Cosmo Oil Europe, Cosmo Oil International, Abu Dhabi Oil, and Qatar Petroleum Development)
  • Providing training for some locally hired employees outside Japan
Promoting understanding
  • Offering e-learning modules for all Group employees (including executives, temporary employees, and employees outside Japan, etc.)
  • Holding study sessions on ESG and sustainability
  • Conducting an annual employee awareness survey)

Cosmo Energy Group’s Policies

While reaffirming our Basic Concept of Sustainability, we are organizing a framework for achieving our Group Management Vision, Code of Conduct, and other relevant policies. From a governance perspective, the Group is revising existing policies and establishing new ones in areas where its policies are lacking or not clearly defined.


Cosmo Energy Group’s Policies

Relationship between the Code of Conduct and Group Policies

Code of Conduct chapters Related Group policies
Chapter 1

We are determined to be a safe,

accident-free corporate group

Safety Policy

Chapter 2

We live up to customer expectations

concerning reliability and satisfaction

Quality Policy
Sustainable Procurement Policy
Compliance Policy

Chapter 3 We value people

Human Rights Policy
Human Resources Policy
Health Management Policy

Chapter 4 We take care of the global environment Environmental Policy
Chapter 5 We value communication with society Disclosure Policy
Policy on Social Contribution Activities
Policy on Social Media Use(Japanese)
Chapter 6

We strive to maintain our position

as an honest corporate group

Corporate Governance Basic Policy
Basic Policy on Internal Control System(Japanese)
Basic Policy on Information Security
Privacy Policy
Tax Policy
All chapters Risk Management Policy(Japanese)

Cosmo Energy Group Material Issues

The Group identifies important ESG challenges (material issues) that impact its sustainable development and that of society, as well as its corporate value over the medium and long term. We are implementing a variety of initiatives to fulfill the vision we have for addressing these material issues.


Addressing Material Issues and the SDGs