Initiatives for Reducing Environmental Impact


Based on the idea of staying in harmony and symbiosis with the environment, the Cosmo Energy Group works to reduce its impact on air and water quality by managing environmental pollutants arising from its business activities. In addition to manufacturing products that minimize environmental impact, such as low-sulfur products and low-benzene gasoline, we work to reduce waste and have installed volatile organic compound (VOC) recovery units in facilities for fuel tanker trucks. Through efforts such as these, we have been working to minimize our environmental impact.

At each Group site, we have established control values that are even stricter than the regulatory requirements for exhaust gas emissions and wastewater discharge. By adhering to these higher standards, we avoid violating any regulatory limits.

Air Pollution Prevention

To prevent air pollution from our refineries, we use fuel with low sulfur and nitrogen content, and have installed flue gas desulfurization and denitrification units, as well as electrostatic precipitators to control the release of air pollutants. Additionally, we have put in floating roof tanks to minimize the atmospheric emissions of VOCs contained in petroleum products, and we have installed vapor recovery units in the product delivery process.


ESG Data: Environmentally hazardous substances – Air pollution emissions

Water Pollution Prevention

Wastewater from the refining process contains substances such as oil, odorous compounds like ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, suspended solids, and organic matter. At our refineries, we are working to prevent water pollution by using a range of wastewater processing equipment for odor mitigation, oil separation, suspended solids removal (through coagulation and sedimentation), and activated sludge treatment.


ESG Data: Water resource use and discharge – Water pollution loads

Chemical Substance Management

The Group strives to manage and control emissions appropriately with respect to certain chemical substances it manufactures and uses. We do this in accordance with Japan’s Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register [PRTR] Act).

The specific substances being managed are benzene and toluene, which are contained in petroleum products, as well as designated chemical substances contained in catalysts used in the petroleum refining process. We manage and monitor the amounts of these substances being released and transferred, and annually report this data based on the PRTR Act.


The Group's overall release of PRTR-designated chemical substances in fiscal 2023 rised to 437 tons (up 56 tons year on year), while the amount transferred rised to 570 tons (up 114 tons year on year).The increase in release is due to an increase in the number of chemical substances designated under the PRTR Law, and the increase in transfer is due to an increase in the amount of coal ash containing the designated substances collected due to increased operation of the kasumi power plant.

Chemical substances released and transferred (PRTR designated substances)


PRTR designated chemical substances FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Release 401 381 437
Transfer 700 456 570

Handling of Hazardous Substances

Dioxin Management

Cosmo Oil’s Chiba Refinery carries out thorough facility management for its industrial waste incineration plant. In accordance with Japan’s revised Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing, information concerning the maintenance and management status of this waste treatment facility is posted on the Group’s website and at the Chiba Refinery.

PCB Storage Management

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were once used as insulating oil for electrical equipment, but their manufacture and use are now prohibited due to the toxicity of these substances. At refineries and service stations, disused equipment containing PCBs has been stored with measures to prevent PCB leakage, and the details are reported as required by law. Now that safe disposal of this equipment is legally required by 2027, we have been registering PCB-containing equipment with specialized disposal companies since 2005, and are steadily proceeding with safe disposal.

Asbestos Measures

In fiscal 2005, the Cosmo Energy Group conducted an investigation to determine which of its buildings contained asbestos, including service stations and refineries owned or leased by the Group. Exposed sprayed asbestos was found in 16 locations, all of which was removed by fiscal 2007. Aside from sprayed asbestos, other building materials containing asbestos were also found, such as asbestos slate, as well as some asbestos insulation materials in manufacturing equipment. While it was determined that these molded products do not emit asbestos dust during normal use, we are gradually replacing them with non-asbestos products whenever repairs are required. Moreover, the Group takes all legally required measures when handling products containing asbestos.