Safe Operations and Stable Supply

The Cosmo Energy Group states in chapter 1 of its Code of Conduct, “We are determined to be a safe, accident-free corporate group.” It is our mission to ensure safety and confidence in all business activities. Based on the Group Management Vision and the Code of Conduct, we established the Safety Policy to guide our basic approach to safety.

The Cosmo Energy Group has designated “safe operations and stable supply” as one of its most important material issues with an impact on enterprise value over the medium to long term. We have incorporated “safe operations and stable supply” into our governance categories as the foundation for enhancing enterprise value, and we are establishing targets and KPIs for these categories.

Cosmo Energy Group’s Safety Management System

The Cosmo Energy Group promotes safety management efforts in Group-wide business activities based on a strong sense of its mission to realize a stable energy supply. We work to ensure safe operations and stable supply by striving to eliminate accidents and work-related injuries at our business sites and departments.

Under the Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2023 – FY2025), we have focused on “safe operations and stable supply” as a priority, and we are taking safety measures throughout the entire Cosmo Energy Group. 

Results of Seventh Consolidated Medium-Term Management Plan Initiatives

The Cosmo Energy Group promoted initiatives on safety management and risk management activities via the Sustainability Strategy Committee with the aim of ensuring safety and reducing future risk in Group-wide business activities, seeking in all of these efforts to earn greater social trust and confidence.

Material issues Vision for addressing material issues KPIs(Fiscal 2023) Score
Targets Results
Safe operations and stable supply Employee injuries are prevented

Serious occupational accidents:0

0 A
Plant accidents and product (quality) accidents are prevented

Serious operational accidents:0

(Plant accident, product (quality) accidents)

2 C
Operations are carried out so they do not threaten the safety of the operating area or surrounding residents Accidents with Serious Environmental Impact:0 0 A
Stable supply of energy is provided, even during disasters and emergencies

Supply and sales system in case of disaster or emergency: Resume within 24 hours

BCP not activated

Score S: Progress well ahead of plan A: Progress according to plan B: Some progress delayed

     C: Not achieved ー:Not applicable

Initiatives on Safety Measures


At the Cosmo Energy Group’s business sites, including refineries and plants, we have set the safety goal of zero serious accidents (fires, explosions, external leaks, large-scale leaks, and serious work-related injuries), and we are focused on a variety of safety measures. In addition, we implement safety management by establishing management targets as indicators, and we foster a culture of safety by improving workplaces and working environments and applying our Operational Management System (OMS).

In fiscal 2023, the Cosmo Energy Group did not record any serious occupational accidents, but there were two serious operational accidents. We are providing employees with rigorous reminders about basic actions and rules and steadily implementing measures to prevent recurrence.

For data on occupational accidents at the Cosmo Energy Group, please see ESG Data.


ESG Data: Occupational accidents

Initiatives to Prevent Accidents Being Forgotten and to Reduce Unsafe Conditions

Cosmo Oil has designated March 11, the date when an LPG fire and explosion occurred during the Great East Japan Earthquake, as Cosmo Oil Safety Day. Group employees watch a video compiling the story of the accident, its cause, and steps taken to prevent a recurrence. We continue to work never to forget the incident by implementing initiatives such as safety seminars in various regions. In fiscal 2023, we invited Kazuhiko Suzuki, professor emeritus at Okayama University, to speak on safety. Professor Suzuki emphasized that the basic tenet of safety is protecting life. His lecture provided a valuable opportunity to understand the importance of engaging in our daily work with a strong sense of conviction and determination to ensure that no one injures themselves or anyone else. 

More than ten years since the accident, we are ensuring that information about the accident is passed on to a new generation of employees who did not experience it. We are also grateful once more for the cooperation and support of local residents, neighboring companies and relevant government authorities, which has enabled us to continue our operations, and we will continue to keep safety as our top priority.

Safety commemorative event

Safety Day seminar