Resource Recycling Initiatives

Waste Reduction

To make more effective use of resources, the Cosmo Energy Group is reducing, reusing, and recycling resources such as water and energy, as well as waste in all stages of its business activities. Additionally, we have set voluntary targets to reduce the amount of waste generated and promote recycling.

The Cosmo Energy Group has continued to work on waste reduction by setting the group-wide final disposal rate in fiscal 2023 at 0.3% or less. This exceeds the Petroleum Association of Japan's target value of 1% or less for waste control and recycling measures.

In fiscal 2023, the Cosmo Energy Group’s waste production was 155,301 tons, the amount recycled was 41,816 tons, and the final disposal amount was 309 tons. As a result, the group surpassed its target with a final disposal rate of 0.20%.

Please refer to ESG Data:Resource recyccling(waste) for details of Waste generated, and Final disposal rate.


ESG Data: Resource recycling (waste)

Water Risk

Group Operations and Regions with Water Stress

As of July 2023, based on information from the World Resources Institute’s (WRI’s) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, the Group does not operate in any areas with high water stress.

Drought Risks

The Group’s sites are all located in areas with relatively abundant industrial water supplies. Although there are still risks of potential water restrictions at any of our refineries, we believe that the risks to operations are minimal. The amount of industrial water used by each refinery is based on a contracted usage amount, and recycled water is also used.

Flood Risks

At its sites, the Group conducts assessments concerning drainage risk in the event of typhoons or torrential rains, and systematically maintains equipment to ensure adequate drainage to deal with any sudden heavy rainfall. Assessment has also been conducted concerning the risk of tsunamis, and we have confirmed that there are no issues facing our main facilities. Nevertheless, we are proceeding with the reinforcement of coastal docks based on estimated tsunami levels.

Water Intake, Discharge, and Usage

Of the Group’s total water usage, 89% is seawater. The vast majority of the freshwater used by the Group, or 99%, is obtained within Japan.

At its sites in Japan, water is used for cooling, cleaning, and boiler supply. The total amount of water pumped in fiscal 2022 was 560,447,000 tons, which breaks down into 498,295,000 tons of seawater (89% of total), 61,434,000 tons of industrial water (11%), 241,000 tons of municipal water (0.04%), and 477,000 tons of well water (0.09%).

All the Group’s refineries and plants are working to efficiently utilize recycled water by collecting and reusing wastewater.

The majority of the Group’s water use outside Japan is also seawater, and the entire amount of groundwater extracted during crude oil production is pumped back into underground aquifers.

Please refer to ESG Data for details of water intake, discharge, and usage at Group sites in Japan.


ESG Data: Water resource use and discharge – Water intake, discharge and usage

Discharge Measures (Volume and Pollution Prevention)

The Group’s refineries and plants use seawater as coolant, which is then discharged back into the sea. Freshwater used for cleaning and other operational processes is properly treated using pollutant control parameters that are stricter than legally required. The treated wastewater is then discharged with minimal environmental impact. The regulatory limits for wastewater pollutants use daily limits. In the event that a pollutant level exceeds the regulatory limit, we promptly report it to the government and take immediate measures to bring the level below the required limit.


ESG Data: Water resource use and discharge – Wastewater treatment / Water pollution loads